This book is a great introduction to probiotic foods for both Paleo and non-Paleo dieters.
Traditionally, the human diet consisted of fresh foods in their natural form, free of harmful chemicals, pesticides and processed flours and sugars. Pretty much every food we ate was packed full of probiotic bacteria that helped balance the bacteria levels in the stomach and small intestines. These probiotic foods don’t just promote good gut health, they free up the immune system to dedicate resources to other areas of the body, leaving you healthier and happier as a result.
Probiotic foods are living foods teeming with beneficial bacteria. Your body needs these bacteria to thrive. Fermented foods and beverages are natural sources of probiotic bacteria that can be eaten to resupply the body with the bacteria it needs.
This book is your guide to adding probiotics to the Paleo Diet. The following topics are covered in this helpful handbook:A brief chapter that lays out the framework for the Paleo diet and why it’s a good choice for many people.
What probiotics are and why they’re important.
Fermented foods and the lacto-fermentation process.
The basic supplies you need to get started (along with some supplies that aren’t required, but will make life easier).
Choosing the right type of container to ferment food in.
Choosing the right weighting system for your container.
Natural salts and sugars that work well for fermenting.
Two methods that can be used to create brine solutions.
What starter cultures are and why some may not conform to the strict Paleo diet.
How to tell when your food is done fermenting.
Storage of fermented foods.
and more…
There are more than 40+ recipes in the book, covering everything from sauerkraut to water kefir. Here’s a sampling of some of the delicious recipes you’ll find inside.10 different types of sauerkraut.
Kimchi and kkakdugi.
Dilly beans.
Beet kvass.
Spicy giardiniera.
Fermented pickles.
Fermented fruit.
Cultured applesauce.
5 different delectable chutney recipes, including sweet apple chutney and mint pear chutney.
Water kefir and coconut water kefir.
Apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar and fruit vinegar.
and more.
Buy this book today and learn how to add delicious probiotic foods to your diet.