The three most effective ways to truly master the issues of weight control have been identified as the Paleo, Ketogenic and the Vegan approaches to eating. But in a world where there are many contributors to the subject, not all the information that surfaces on the Net is as well informed as it could be. Sometimes, there are contradictions and interpretations that stray from the central premises that make these methods so effective. This is where errors and misinterpretations occur and, since the three approaches to boosting health and burning fat are so incredibly helpful, this is a perfect time to bring the three methods and advantages together under one title and provide a comprehensive overview of how to apply the major principles and avoid all the common mistakes. Anyone who’s ever attempted to tackle their weight issues by dieting will know that they rarely work. The vast majority of dieters lose weight but then, as soon as they take a break from the diet, they put the pounds back on again. It can be very frustrating and yet it’s a problem that’s entirely avoidable. Rather than follow a short-term approach to losing weight, the Paleo Ketogenic Vegan options promote a change in lifestyle that supports natural, permanent weight control and offers a profoundly effective way to enhance your health at every level. The book offers a treasury of excellent advice and practical principles and shows you how to: • Maximise the benefits of all three systems and still enjoy all the delicious flavours • Incorporate the major principles in your daily eating routines • Plan for a successful transition to these superbly healthy ways of eating • Spot the contradictory advice that often appears on the Internet • Eliminate the risk of following incorrect advice • Customise the eating plans to reflect your individual needs and circumstances • Master your cravings for sugar and artificial sweeteners • Incorporate all three methods into your daily eating routines • Access the best aspects of each method to create a personalised approach to your nutritional needs • Organise your routines around your new eating habits to maximise all the benefits This revolutionary approach to taking control of your weight and health issues is too important to be compromised by poor information and the common mistakes that can impact negatively on the results. This excellent volume has been designed to place all the advantages of the three systems firmly in the hands of the reader. Download the material today and take full advantage of the wide-ranging benefits associated with these superbly effective ways to revolutionize your life, your health and your weight.