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BODYBUILDING PALEO DIET is the best paleolithic book for weight lifting. This book will help you if you are looking to:- Build muscle mass- Lose unwanted fat- Recover Faster- Be in your Best Bodybuilder Shape ever Gain muscle naturally with no protein powder only organic and healthy meals.This book includes 60 days of paleolithic meal plans to compliment your grueling workout of the day. Each meal includes a nutritional breakdown of calories, protein, carbs, fats and fiber so you can keep track exactly of what you are consuming.With simple, delicious and affordable foods that are easy to prepare you will be on your way to be healthier, fitter and happier.The author Mariana Correa is a former professional athlete and certified sports nutritionist that competed successfully all over the world. She shares years of experience both as an athlete and a coach bringing a priceless perspective.